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Cited Cases


Decision No: 98/21C
Practitioner: Dr Garry James Prockter
Charge Characteristics: Sexual misconduct
Additional Orders: Interim suspension of
registration (majority decision):
Full Decision: 9821cfindings



A CAC charged that Dr Prockter was convicted by the High Court of the following offences each being an offence punishable by imprisonment for a term of three months or longer:

  1. Sexual violation , s128 Crimes Act 1961 (3 counts).
  2. Attempted sexual violation, s129 Crimes Act 1961 (4 counts).
  3. Indecent Assault, s140 Crimes Act 1961 (2 counts).
  4. Indecent Assault, s140 Crimes Act 1961 (8 counts).
  5. Indecent Assault, s140 Crimes Act 1961.

And the circumstances of the offences reflect adversely on Dr Prockter's fitness to practice medicine.



The offending covered a period of eighteen years and involved five young male complainants.  Dr Prockter was sentenced to an effective term of nine years and three months imprisonment. The Court of Appeal (R v Prockter (21 October 1997 CA 18/97)) dismissed an appeal against sentence and conviction.



The Tribunal held that the circumstances of the offences reflected adversely on Dr Prockter's fitness to practice medicine. The offences were conducted against children/young males, involved serious breaches of trust and on at least one occasion occurred in the context of Dr Prockter's medical practice.



The Tribunal ordered that Dr Prockter's name be removed from the register. It expressly refrained from making any of the orders permitted by section 111 of the Medical Practitioners Act 1995.

As Dr Prockter was civilly legally aided the Tribunal decided to make no order as to costs.